The aim is to ask questions around the why, when, where, what and how, around decision making in sport and how we can design practice to be learner centred.
The Learner needs to be Central to it design and it must be understood that for us to learn sports skills (which includes the decision making in games) we need to view decision making as a skill and that the learner needs to be placed in contextual decision making situations as much as possible. Obviously suitable to their age and level.
This is the underpinning of the workshop.
To do that we need to know where we came from, what we do now and why? And where we can take things to drive fun and enjoyment with participation, retention and success across all areas.
Why is coaching where it is now? Why have we got here?
Why do we make the decisions we make?
Why are our decisions wrapped up in our entire life, environment and experiences?
How are learning, decision making, problem solving all really of the one thing?
How can we make better decisions for ourselves on the pitch?
How can a coach facilitate those better decisions?
How can we make shared (positive) decisions on the pitch for our team?
How do we design practice to develop technical and tactically suitable decision makers?
Kevin is an experienced sports and S&C coach who has worked with various sports teams, athletes, professionals, and clubs across three continents for over 30 years. He is the owner-operator coach of the Design the Game Project, a platform that shares coaching insights and research to a progressive and learning-led audience.
Design the Game promotes a Constraints Led Approach to Motor Learning and coaching.
Kevin has studied on and off the field how humans learn to move and learn skills for well over 20 years.
Through the DTG Brand has ran several Mini Online Courses and workshops around Motor Learning, Decision Making in Sport and Practice Design.